Saturday, February 2, 2013

Backstreets Back Alright!

Kids of the 90s rejoice!!

New Kids on the Block recently announced a tour with both Boyz II Men and 98° this year. I about died on the spot. The heartthrobs of the 90s have returned. Backstreet Boys made a come back a few years ago which sent multiple of my friends out to buy all the concert tickets they could get their hands on. I almost saw went to see them in Chicago. However, I'm still waiting for the full blown return of N'SYNC...I used to collect the little "backstage passes" they stuck in fruit snack boxes. I once begged my dad to keep buying them until I got a Justin Timberlake one...

Anyway, while I was reminiscing about my childhood and rocking out to some "Tearin' Up My Heart," "Hardest Thing," and "Quit Playing Games with my Heart," I realized a few things....let's see if you can catch it too.

So did you catch it??? With the exception of 98° all of these bands have 5 members (yes, I know I'm forgetting Boyz II Men). So why 5?? What is so special about 5 members?? Better harmony perhaps? I wasn't sure, so I took a look at the boy band of today: One Direction.

Yep. Five.

But I found a difference between the boy bands of the 1990s and the boy bands of today. One set is original, while the newer one (One Direction) has slyly copied/tweaked the songs of the 1990s...

One Direction is basically a worse, more annoying, and UK version of The Backstreet Boys.


"What Makes You Different (Makes You Beautiful)" = "What Makes You Beautiful"
"More Than That" = "More Than This"
"One Wish" = "I Wish"
"Tell Me Why" = "Tell Me a Lie" 
"Quit Playing Games With My Heart" = "Finally Stole My Heart" 

 Curious similarity isn't it??

This discovery really got me thinking about the circulating pattern of music. There's a time where boy bands are in, then they're out, they come back (reunions as well as new groups). It's all about timing. And luck. 

Perhaps if I lived in the time of the Jackson 5, I'd be as offended by NKOTB and Backstreet Boys as I am now by One Direction...


The Genealogy of Boy Bands 

Jackson 5
New Addition
New Kids on the Block
Backstreet Boys
One Direction

Also, who can't forget this gem of a song from Mulan?!



  1. That's so funny you noticed that about the Backstreet Boys. I noticed the "What Makes you Beautiful"/"What Makes you Different..." similarity but I didn't notice all the others! Ha. Definitely sounds like they're having a little bit of trouble coming up with ideas. Have to admit, I still like 1D. They're just too catchy for me to dislike.

  2. Ha I never noticed all of those similarities. I'm definitely a BSB girl for life. Although One Direction doesn't kill me anymore.
