Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Canada Day!

I love Canada. I really don't know why I love Canada so much, but I do. Maybe it's because they seem to pronounce words the way they should be (ex. tomorrow--Americans say tomArrow, Canadians say tomOrrow). 

The only two downsides I see to Canada are that I now have to have a passport to go there :( and the fact that Justin Bieber originated from that land... honor of Canada Day, I give you, my favorite famous Canadians.

1. Stana Katic (surprise, surprise, I know)

I may be slightly biased because I'm obsessed with her TV show, Castle, but this woman is fantastic! She owns her own production company, Sine Timore, and is the co-founder (with Seamus Dever) of the Alternative Travel Project, which encourages people worldwide to ditch their cars for even just one day and take public transportation (or bike or walk). And my favorite thing about Stana is her devotion to Children's Hospital Los Angeles and her genuine interest in people.

2. Nathan Fillion (duh)

I love him for so many reasons. Castle, Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, Firefly, Monsters University, Desperate Housewives, Percy Jackson 2, and Much Ado About Nothing. Plus, he's just so ruggedly handsome! Why do I think Nathan is awesome? Because he is the co-founder of Kids Need To Read. And we all know how much I love reading....and a man who reads!
And just look at his choice in Halloween costumes! He loves his home!

3. Ryan Gosling

Because, come on, look at him!

4. Celine Dion

"My Heart Will Go On." Enough said.

5. Kristin Kreuk

She played a great Lois Lane in Smallville when I was a teenager. And now she plays Catherine Chandler on Beauty and the Beast. She's fantastic. 
Plus, we share the same birthday :)

6. Howie Mandel

This guy is a hoot! I first saw him when I started watching Deal or No Deal with my mom back in the day. And now he's a judge on America's Got Talent. I enjoy his severe aversion to germs.

7. Sandra Oh 

She kills me. So hilariously funny. One of my all time favorites in Grey's Anatomy as well. 

(please excuse the video's poor quality)

8. Caroline Rhea (in red)

My favorite aunt of Sabrina the Teenage Witch....and wasn't she in the Disney Channel movie Mom's Got a Date With a Vampire? Good times.

9. Shania Twain

"Man I Feel Like A Woman." Now that is a song you can blast in your car! 

10. Ryan Reynolds

Mmm, mmm, mmm...he's just pretty.

Well, that's only 10 of my favorite Canadians. There are many, many more, I'm sure! 

Who are your favorite Canadians???


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