Monday, July 8, 2013


No, I don't live in Los Angeles, but I do LOVE what they do every few months. They close off main streets in LA and only allow bikes and pedestrians (dogs as well) to occupy the street. It's genius. And I totally wish my town did something like that too. Heck, I just wish my town had bike lanes on every street! That would make my life a whole lot easier.

And yes, a subject like CicLAvia brings me directly back to people I talk about all the time. But I think they're fantastic people, so I'll just keep writing about them! A few years ago, actors Stana Katic and Seamus Dever teamed up to create The Alternative Travel Project, which encourages people around the world to give up their cars for at least one day and use public transportation, bikes, or their own two legs to get around. It helps the environment, but it also helps you! You build up muscles walking and biking that normally simply lay dormant when traveling in a car. And who doesn't love the fresh air blowing through their hair?! Plus, its proven that biking makes you happier! 

Scared to give up your car? It's really quite easy. At least where I am. I'm blessed with a city that is fairly connected to the surrounding cities. I can take the bus practically anywhere, quite a few of the main streets have bike lanes, and almost every business has bike racks to park at. I've been without a car for 4 years, and I love it (for the most part--snow is not so fun to bike in)!

For more info on Stana & Seamus' ATP initiative, check out their YouTube videos (a few shown below) and their website:

They even recruited some of their castmates to join in the ATP fun! And for some kicks, check out actor Jon Huertas' hilarious PSA on bike safety (excuse any language, please)!

ANYWAY....back to CicLAvia...last month, Los Angeles shut down iconic Wilshire Boulevard for a day. Stana Katic was there to support the effort in conjunction with her own Alternative Travel Project. She rode the famous street with kids on either side. 

It may seem "hippy" to some people, but I love the camaraderie and sense of community that appears when cars simply disappear in a city. It's brilliant. To see a massive street in one of the worlds largest cities completely full of bikes instead of cars is just awesome; empowering even. 

There are some amazing people in this world and unfortunately we're all secluded from each other in the bubbles of our individual cars. With walking, biking, and public transit, you meet people that you would never otherwise meet. I think that may be my favorite part! I've met some fascinating people at the bus stop, on the bus, at the bike racks... Waiting at a stoplight allows for conversation; believe it or not, people are very nice! Get to know some of them! Don't keep your mouth shut at a crosswalk; wish someone a happy day; wave at a fellow cyclist. It's amazing how much more connected you feel when you step out of your personal car bubble and enjoy the world and people around you. 

Enjoy your city!

Enjoy the sunshine!

Enjoy the wind in your hair!

And remember your helmet!

The next CicLAvia event is October 6, 2013.

**All photos courtesy of CicLAvia Facebook**

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