Sunday, March 24, 2013

Fan Art

Yes, I admit it. I'm obsessed with ABC's Castle if you couldn't tell already. So yes, I spend quite a bit of time on Twitter & Tumblr fan sites. And I find some amazing artists there! Seriously! I love how the media can inspire someone else to create. It's almost like a never ending cycle of creativity. From writers and actors to viewer and fan audiences who create incredible pieces of art or funny memes, that in turn occasionally get back to the writers and actors (you'd be surprised at how many show runners have admitted to getting ideas from fans on social networks).

There's a lot of bad out there in television and media, but I don't think we can underestimate the good impact it can have: bringing out talents and community. 

I may have gone a bit overboard in the creative examples here for Castle, but I think these are some of the best! And I even threw in a Firefly one :) 

Any fan art you've seen that you love for a favorite movie, TV show, or book??

**All credit goes to the artists/creators**


  1. I love these! Especially the ponies and the big head Caskett!

  2. Aww... These are awesome!!! I love the ones with the little kids and the vests: writer, police!!! And It is true what they say about Firefly!!! I love it and I am so angry that it got canceled (like all the good shows)! But the movie is very satisfying!!! :)
