Thursday, January 17, 2013

This is...American Idol!

The time has come for American Idol to yet again take over the television airwaves...

And my favorite part: the auditions. It's the only part of American Idol that I watch...or even just stand watching.

And this year, Season 12, is the worst.

Reason #1: Nicki Minaj

She's the definition of obnoxious. I mean just look at her hair. Last night, it matched the New York City skyline at sunset...that's just not right. And what on earth was that terrible British accent she put on for no reason whatsoever?! I seriously wanted to reach through the TV screen and smack her until she shut up. I'm surprised I didn't change the channel.

Reason #2: Nicki and Mariah Carey in the same room.

Whose idea was this?!? When I tune in to American Idol I expect to hear singing. Not the superficial fights between two overrated celebrities, who should be grown up enough not to be doing so. And poor Keith Urban stuck in the middle. It was 20 minutes into the premiere last night before we actually saw someone sing. It was all "Nicki stop talking," and "Mariah is just old news," blah, blah, blah...

Reason #3: The Sob Stories

Now, some of the stories I hear aren't all that bad, some of them actually truly inspiring. But when you stretch out the sob story telling longer than the person's actual audition, there's a problem. In my mind, these people are not their problems, it's just a part of them. While the stories are sometimes interesting and inspiring, this is a singing show. Your acceptance into the next round should have nothing to do with the sob story you've given to the judges to make them feel for you in a certain way... I will give them credit though for not accepting the dancer with one leg just because he was hurt. He did need some work, but with his singing, not his disability. I think they did him a good service, actually.

Reason #4: Judges can be just plain RUDE.

This poor kid last night...bless his heart. He came in and didn't even have a clue who these four judges were. While he did sing a song from Phantom of the Opera terribly, I don't think he deserved to be laughed at the way Nicki Minaj laughed at him. She just couldn't stop. At least Mariah and Keith attempted to hide their giggles and keep straight faces. And then they had the nerve to patronize him into believing that he could be very good in time. I'm not saying that this kid couldn't get better, but it would take A LOT. I just feel bad for the kid...
And then the kid who believed he would be Justin Bieber in another life...and sang some very strange (and frankly non-recognizable) version of One Less Lonely Girl. He was, yet again, met with laughs. 
I do find these things amusing, but their reactions, as mentors, are just rude at times.

But then again, American Idol does have it's saving graces.

Saving Grace #1: Ryan Seacrest 

This is a beautiful man. Julianne Hough is a lucky woman. I might go so far as to say Ryan is the reason I keep watching.

Saving Grace #2: Keith Urban and his Australian accent

It's a beautiful thing.

Saving Grace #3: Entertainment

Auditions can be down right hilarious. Yes, I did just complain about rude reactions from judges, but they are actually in the room with these people, I'm at home on my couch. That may be hypocritical of me, but there's no way that some of these people are this bad on purpose, just to get laughs. I mean, one guy was wearing a Michael Jackson-esque leather outfit that literally squeaked in very awkward ways whenever he moved. And the infamous "Turbanator" that matches his turbans to his happened to be a purple turban with a plaid purple shirt. He made me smile.

Saving Grace #4: It won't be on forever

And hallelujah for that. There's only so much reality TV I can take. And in my mind, so much of reality shows, including American Idol, are actually scripted and don't reflect reality AT ALL. It paints the picture of an idealized world, or an exaggerated world, as the case may be.

So what are your opinions on reality TV??


  1. I loved this post. However I am not sure about your saving grace #4. I swear they will never stop filming this show (but it needs to end). I do agree that the judges are ruthless sometimes, but I'm sure if I was in the room with some of those singers I'd be dying too. The only season I liked was David Archuleta, because I love him.

  2. Wow, this was on my mind when I watched American Idol the other day. The first thing that came out of my mouth was.."what has happened to television!" I think the reason why I couldn't watch it anymore was because of Nicki Minaj, why do people like people like her anyways? I completely agree with you in that reality shows don't reflect reality at all.
