Friday, April 12, 2013

Vintage Social Networking

Ah yes. Playing and winning Jeopardy in media class was finally proof positive to my mother that my time spent watching television and reading random books is NOT time spent in vain! She has no further argument. None.

I run across a lot of interesting things on Facebook...and this is one of them. 

And oh how true it is! I am quite pleased with myself though, because while I do have a lot of these social media accounts, I still have a lot of the "old school" stuff as well. I have address books, post-its, picture frames, a cork board...but unfortunately these things have gone on the wayside. 

The social networking sites we have today are absolutely incredible. You can find jobs on LinkedIn, find recipes and craft ideas on Pinterest, watch the hilarious events of strangers on YouTube, call and see our friends and family from far distances on Skype, share our yummy food and random sites from our day on Instagram, and find out everything about our friends (and strangers) on Facebook.

I tried to think of what my life would be like without these modern social networking tools. I'd actually have to learn to like to talk on the phone. I'd have files and files of people's phone numbers. I'd be the only one to enjoy pictures from my days and activities. I'd have to print out and cut pictures to put in pictures frames. I'd never have met some people. Or known about their marriages and babies. It'd be strange, that's for sure.

What would your life look like without social networking?

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