Yes, I'm extremely late to the party. But I'm in love.
Yep, Veronica Mars caught my eye when news of a Kickstarter Campaign for a VM movie surfaced a couple of weeks ago. I'd heard of it before, had no idea what it was about, and since I have never really been a fan of The CW, I thought it just wasn't down my alley. But, boy, was I WRONG!
It's like a fabulous mix between the main character of Nancy Drew, the big murder mystery of a friend of Pretty Little Liars, and the modern pop culture and banter of Gilmore Girls (with a single dad in the place of Lorelai).
Veronica Mars stars Kristen Bell as the title character who works for her dad Keith (Enrico Colantoni, the former town Sheriff turned Private Investigator. Her best friend Wallace (Percy Daggs III), her on-and-off-again boyfriend Duncan (Teddy Dunn), her dead best friend Lily's (Amanda Seyfried) boyfriend/other on-and-off-again boyfriend Logan (Jason Dohring), ex-gang member Weevil (Francis Capra) and computer savvy friend Mac (Tina Majorino) help her solve the big and large crimes around town. Season 1 is all about figuring out who murdered Lily...and the season 1 finale may have scared me half to death. Season 2 is all about who caused a bus full of HS students to drive off a cliff into the ocean...also quite a surprising conclusion. And now I'm just finishing up season 3, which revolves mainly around figuring out who the date rapist/head shaver is among the freshman class and the murder of the Dean of Hearst College.
The show ran from 2004-2007, being cancelled before it's time because of the big writer's strike of the time. They even began filming season 4 but had to stop.
I must say, I am now BEYOND excited for this movie, which begins production this summer. I think it's absolutely brilliant to turn the power over to the fans. If they really want a movie, and there's enough interest, enough money ($2 M was the minimum -- which was reached in less than 12 hours with only US donors) can be raised to put a proper end to a show that was ended before it should have.
So yes, you should go watch this show immediately if you haven't already. It'll be worth your while. I guarantee.

I must say, I am now BEYOND excited for this movie, which begins production this summer. I think it's absolutely brilliant to turn the power over to the fans. If they really want a movie, and there's enough interest, enough money ($2 M was the minimum -- which was reached in less than 12 hours with only US donors) can be raised to put a proper end to a show that was ended before it should have.
So yes, you should go watch this show immediately if you haven't already. It'll be worth your while. I guarantee.
Also, congratulations to Kristen Bell & Dax Shepard on their new baby girl, Lincoln Bell Shepard!
I LOVE Veronica!!!! I was obsessed with this show in high school and then again my sophomore year in college showing it to my roommate!! It is so great!! I love Logan!!! :)