I've had A LOT of time on my hands recently and I've filled a lot of that time with books and reading (which I'll probably end up recommending and posting about at a later date). I've always loved books, but summers always allow me the time to fall in love with them all over again. And due to the massive amounts of reading and time spent at the library this week, I present to you, "You Know You're Addicted to Books When..."
...you have a Kindle/Nook, but rarely use it because it can't compare to the feel and smell of a brand new/or used book.
I got this Kindle over a year ago, and I LOVE it. But it's true, I basically only use it on airplanes or long car rides because of it's convenience. However, there's always at least one actual book tucked away in my suitcase...which brings me to my next point.
...you run out of room for clothes in your suitcase.
There's a select couple of books that go with me everywhere. And they most definitely look like they go everywhere with me too. As heard someplace, somewhere, "a girl's gotta have her stuff."
...the signature on your library card is worn off.
My past roommate, Jessi, forced me to get a city library card a year and a half ago. And thank goodness!
...you enjoy library decoration.
Honestly, who wouldn't?!?! Especially when decoration includes Nathan Fillion, Hugh Jackman, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan!
...you can spend hours on end in a bookstore.
This would be Jessi. In Barnes & Noble. For a very long time. I must say, working in a bookstore would be FABULOUS.
...you're favorite childhood memories revolve around books.
I'm the daughter of both a librarian and an elementary school teacher, so I was bound to love books, and thus my childhood has many happy memories involving books. After hours at the public library, piling up towers of books to buy at book fairs, tallying up totals on book orders, and overflowing homemade book shelves.
This book, Martha's House, has a special place in my heart. It resided in the glass covered bookcase at my grandma's house for as long as I can remember. And when she passed away a few years ago, it was one of the only things I requested to keep from her house. It's made the journey with me to college and beyond. I'm sure it'll eventually hold its rightful place inside my own glass covered bookcase one day.
...your idea of a perfect day off is a trip to a building that was built in 1892.
And what a beautiful building it is! This is the Provo City Library. It originated as Brigham Young Academy, the origin school of Brigham Young University (where I recently graduated). There's just something about reading in an old, beautiful building that contains so much history and legacy...
...your nightstand has gotten taller than your bed.
I seriously love reading right before turning out the light at night. It sometimes facilitates quite a few interesting dreams as well!
...you forget to eat lunch because you were so immersed in your book.
I may have done this the other day. I was in the middle of the third book in one of my favorite YA trilogies (Shades of Earth in the Across the Universe series by Beth Revis). I didn't get around to lunch until 4:45pm...
...your favorite movie is based on a book and every aspect of said movie has something to do with books and reading.
Matilda. My all-time favorite. So much a favorite that I rented the book it's based on by Roald Dahl, again for the 20th time. I couldn't resist. Yes, its a children's book, but I just had to.
And here are some of my favorite quotes from it:
"A book?! What do you want a book for?"
"To read."
"To read? Why would you want to read when you got the television set sitting right in front of you? There's nothing you can get from a book that you can't get from a television faster!"
"You wanted cake, you got cake, now EAT IT!"
"You can do it Brucey!"
"I'm right and you're wrong. I'm big and you're small, and there's nothing you can do about it!"
"These books gave Matilda a hopeful and comforting message: you are not alone."
So, you readers and friends, go pick up a book. Get addicted. It's the best kind of drug.